Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws Before Bed?

Cute Dog Licks Paw

About Dogs

Dogs are the only animals full of love and trust towards people from the moment they came into the world. They are often closer and more loyal to you than a person. For this reason, they are known to everyone for their loyalty. It is enough for you to just look at these loyal friends, stroke the dog’s head once, or feed it once, and the dog will give you love for life and have the instinct to protect you. 

Dogs, especially those who have just left their mother, are ready to immediately adopt the owners who feed them and become the closest friends of their owner. Dogs with more human reactions and emotions than most people are amazing beings.

These loyal friends belong to the class of carnivorous mammals. The average life expectancy of a healthy and well-groomed and sleeps well dog is 15-20 years, but many factors affect this. Their lifespan may vary with care, genetics, living conditions, nutrition, and health. There are more than 100 breeds of dogs. Thanks to these types, the appearance and sizes of dogs differ. Terrier, bulldog, police dog, and Doberman are some species.

These loyal friends have the most developed sense of smell. They are among the most quickly learning animals at the very beginning. Thanks to this, dogs trained in many important tasks are used. With their olfactory memory and their ability to distinguish odors, they are indispensable in exposing crimes. These loyal friends are also very good at finding missing people and missing items. In addition to these capabilities, dogs have an amazing protective instinct. They are always ready to keep their owners and puppies safe and protected from all kinds of dangers.

Let’s get to know the dogs a little more with you if you wish. Every dog is a different world with its character, personality, habits, and behaviors, just like humans. Let’s talk about their distinctive features and care.

The Process of Dog Ownership and Care

Dog Licks Paw

Let’s talk a little about deciding to own a dog. Owning a dog, or even owning a pet in general terms, is a job that Really requires an attitude of responsibility. We need to think carefully about this issue’s positive and negative sides and never take action until we are completely sure. These are loyal friends, just like other people, get upset, get depressed, get excited, get sick, and need care. If you can do it all and take on this responsibility, and if you have plenty of love to give the dog, yes, you’re ready now.

I will briefly tell you the basic elements you need to do after owning a dog. From the beginning of the puppy’s life, you should take care of combing their fur and making it a habit. Regular combing of furs is an ideal activity for the health of their fur and for strengthening your communication with your dog. In any case, most dogs also like it.

Taking these our loyal friends for walks is vital for them. Even if they live and sleep in your garden, it is very special for them to take a walk with you. Going for a walk together at least twice a day, morning and evening, will strengthen your bond and allow you to train. Neglected dogs who do not go for a walk with their owners become unhappy and depressed. When they feel like this, they always want to be in their beds, they don’t get out of bed, and they can take actions under which psychological reasons lie, such as licking the paw.

So you should make sure to give them plenty of time. You can also give various pieces of training other than toilet training during these walking times. For instance, you can teach them to sit down with the command, get up and stretch out. Here reward foods will be one of your greatest helpers.

Dogs and Their Help to People

Dog Licks Paw

As I mentioned earlier, dogs are trained by trainers through various training thanks to their easy learning abilities. Although they often help solve crimes, they can also greatly facilitate the lives of people with disabilities. For instance, they can take a blind person across the street and protect a deaf person from danger. They can bring their medicine with their paws to someone with a walking disability and give happiness and morale to their owners with their presence and energy, even if they don’t do anything physically. Dogs are already ready to become the closest friends of their owners with unrequited love, never judging their owners.

These loyal friends also contribute greatly to shepherds, protecting sheep and lambs from wild animals in the herd. These loyal animals are the greatest helpers of shepherds in what they do. Another area where dogs are useful to humans is that they provide transportation in cold climates. Types of dogs that are resistant to cold climates help people move from place to place by pulling a sled.

Abilities and Feelings

They have very strong senses as well as their sense of smell. They sense danger, negative, or bad news in advance and warn their owners. For instance, dogs also feel an earthquake before an earthquake occurs, and you will understand that there is something wrong with their movements. As we mentioned again, the reason for this is protecting the owners from dangers.

These affectionate, loyal, brave animals have obvious typical movements. They wag their tails, growl, smell, and lick people, eat plants, and lick their paws before going to sleep and bed. They all have their logical meaning. The more we read our article, the more we will get to know them and learn about what and why they do what they do.

About Licking

Bulldog Licks Paw

Licking is one of the most typical actions of dogs. They lick themselves or people and things when they are curious, want to taste something, say thank you, or are stressed. Especially if they are stressed, they tend to lick their paws before going to sleep and bed. The act of licking can sometimes be so simple that it’s just a meaningless licking. However, a licking that has spread throughout the process is an act of licking that we need to investigate.

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws?

Alright, why do dogs lick their paws before going to bed? If you are interested in how often your pet licks its paws before going to sleep and bed, if you have witnessed this many times and this has now become a habit for your dog, it is worth investigating the reasons behind it. Remember that everything is for the benefit of you and your dog. Let’s look at all the possibilities together.

Firstly, it is a very normal action for dogs to lick their paws, especially before going to sleep and bed. If this situation has gone to the extreme, then at this point, we should evaluate the possibilities. There are several main reasons why these our loyal friends lick their paws; the first is caused by minor accidents and irritations, the other is caused by a health problem, and the last is caused by a psychological cause related to your dog’s emotional state. Let’s think even deeper together.

Cute Dog Licks Paw

When we encounter such a situation, and this situation spreads to a process, the first thing that comes to mind is that our pet may have a health problem. We might think that their paws are itchy, that they have an allergic condition, or that a hard object has sunk into their paws and hurt them. The only way to understand this is to go to a specialized veterinary clinic and take the necessary tests and examinations about licking paws before going to bed and sleeping.

I will give you a savior hint about this. If these loyal friends do not lick their paw7s equally and lick one or two more, then most likely, you do not have such a problem as a tumor. Don’t worry. A sharp object may have sunk into your dog’s paw, rubbed it somewhere and irritated it, crossed its paw anywhere, or stepped on a warm floor and hurt because its paw was exposed to heat.

After taking these tests and examinations, if there is a health problem, the necessary medication and treatment are applied, and the problem is solved. However, if there are no health problems, we can understand that the reason for this is psychological.

Identify & Solve the Problem

Dog Licks Paw

This is a deep and complicated issue. It may not be easy to understand and solve this, but it is also not impossible. It is very important to be patient and stay calm during this process. To analyze our dogs’ behavior and find out why they lick their paws, especially before going to sleep, we first need to find out their typical movements and how long they have been maintaining this habit.

If these our loyal friends lick their paws psychologically before going to bed and sleep, it can be not only because of boredom but also because of severe depression, excitement, anxiety, or fear. In addition, the fact that your dog licks its paws before going to sleep can also result from trauma from the past. There may be many factors such as the situations they experienced in the house before you, the situations they were exposed to, maybe violence, being separated from their puppy or mother at an early age, being thrown out on the street, yelling at them, not receiving love.

Particularly to prevent dogs from licking their paws before going to sleep and bed, or even to reduce it in the first place, the most logical thing we will do is keep our dogs busy with other things. For instance, it may be a frisbee game that will make them spend effort, it may be a ball game that you play in an open area, you can run away from your dog and make them catch you, or you can throw your dog’s toy and bring it to you. So that your dog is busy with other things, he will not have much time and energy to lick their paws before going to bed and sleep.

Some Important Reminders

Dog Licks Her Own Pawn

Remember, as I said at the very beginning, this is a matter of patience and determination. If you want your dog to overcome this, there is no doubt that the biggest task falls on you, the owners of the dogs. It will be very useful in this process to distract them. When this habit of licking the paw is associated with the bed, the dogs remember to do this action every time they go to bed. So that makes it more difficult. It may also be beneficial to change our dogs’ beds and not be reminded of this action. Because they code the bed and paw licking into their brains, especially if this habit has been going on for a long time.

One of the important tricks is that if you are using reward food in the care of your dog, don’t reward them when these our loyal friends lick their paws before going to bed and sleep so that he doesn’t continue their behavior. Another saving tactic is the bitter gels that we call “bitter nail polish”, which humans use and are not chemical in their content. They will not cause harm if taken orally. Thanks to these gels, when your loyal friends have the pleasure of biting their paws or licking their paws before going to bed and sleep and during sleep or when they wake up from sleep, they will code not to do this action, startled by this bitter taste.


Cute Dog Licks Paw

We have briefly told you about dogs’ main characteristics, care, breeds, and typical movements, especially licking their paws before going to sleep and bed. We found out that the main reasons why these beautiful friends lick their paws before going to sleep and bed can be physical, medical, and psychological. And finally, before going to sleep and bed, we told you about some suggestions and tactics to prevent the act of licking the paw.

Even if you change the beds, distract your dog, and play games, our loyal friends still lick their paws before going to sleep and bed separately. I recommend that you contact a specialist veterinarian.


  • Ömer Bademci

    Hi there, I'm Ömer Bademci, and I'm passionate about all things pets. I'm a dedicated writer who loves to share my knowledge and insights on everything from pet products to training and behavior. As a pet lover and owner myself, I understand the unique needs of different pets and the challenges that come with pet ownership. That's why I'm committed to providing my readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information on pet care, health, and wellness. Over the years, I've gained extensive experience in the pet industry, and I've had the pleasure of working with a wide variety of pets, from dogs and cats to birds and reptiles. I'm proud to say that I've learned a great deal about pet care, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge with others. When I'm writing, I strive to provide my readers with well-researched, informative, and engaging content that they can use to make informed decisions about their pets. Whether I'm discussing the latest pet products or offering training tips and tricks, my goal is always to help pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry friends. When I'm not writing, you can usually find me spending time with my own pets, exploring new hiking trails, or trying out new pet products to share with my readers. I'm excited to be a part of the Mila's Pet team and to help pet owners everywhere take the best possible care of their furry friends.

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