Why Do Dogs Wink?

Why Do Dogs Wink

We all go through long and tiring days from time to time. Misunderstandings, long meetings at work, and projects that need to be brought up. Imagine that at the end of a day like this, you spend about 1 hour in traffic and go home. Your dog starts to get excited as soon as you open the front door; your dog knows it. When you come to the door of your house, your dog is waiting for you with its endless love and wants attention from you. 

Looking into a dog’s eyes might reveal a lot about his emotions. The dog’s calmness is shown by almond-shaped, relaxing eye movements. Your dog’s round eyes suggest that he is both bewildered and enthusiastic. Be cautious if the white area of your dog’s eyes is too noticeable. This might mean that it is uneasy or agitated.

They are communicating with their bodies. Understanding canine language might help you better comprehend their emotional states and feelings. Although body language may be generalized, the meanings of these expressions might differ depending on the situation and environment. As a result, it’s crucial not to make assumptions based just on body language without first observing the situation.

Here are a few instances of dog body language that are easy to spot.

Dogs wink

Avoiding Eyes

In general, direct eye contact is perceived as a threat to dogs. (Especially in street-origin) When looking directly into their eyes, they may try to calm the other person by blinking their eyes and turning their heads, as they may be disturbed by this.

Slow Movements, Freezing

Dogs slow their movements when meeting other dogs. While they calmly approach each other and sniff each other, one of them waits motionless, and this gives the other an opportunity to get to know him. It also has a calming effect on them that perceive sudden movements as a threat. Sometimes a dog on command will stay where it is because it is nervous. He may turn his head and seem not interested. This behavior may be perceived as disobedience, but in fact, it is trying to calm the environment or you in a situation where he is restless.

Why is My Dog Sitting Normal or Sitting While Turning Your Back?

It is soothing body language. Generally useful for calming a restless animal. It means I won’t hurt you, and tries to tell the other person that he is not a threat by sitting down and putting himself in a smaller position.

Why is My Dog Licking Itself?

If it frequently licks its nose, there is a problem in the environment that is disturbing it. This may be your tough attitude, perhaps another unfamiliar dog, or an unaccustomed situation that your pet does not like.

Why is Your Dog Yawning?

If your pet is constantly yawning, it may indicate that he is currently uncomfortable with something. Yawning means there is something around that needs calming down.

Comfortable and Approachable Body Language:

• Ears erect (not tilted forward).

• Head straight.

• Mouth open and tongue out (relaxed).

• Tail down and limp (may be wagging).

• Body weight evenly distributed on all legs.

Aggressive and Dominant Body Language:

• Ears may be forward-curved and V-shaped.

• The forehead area may show steep wrinkles.

• The nose area is wrinkled.

• Lips curled–teeth and gums may be visible.

• Mouth open.

• Stretched legs, body slightly inclined forward.

• The tail is in the air, and the feathers are fluffed.

• Back feathers are raised.

Feared and Dominant Body Language:

• The back feathers are fluffy.

• Ears tilted back.

• Enlarged pupils.

• The nose is wrinkled.

• Lips curled–perhaps teeth are visible.

• Tail between legs–nearly no movement.

• Body lowered stance.

Surrendered Body Language:

• Head turned away to avoid eye contact.

• The ears are tilted back.

• The nose and forehead areas are straight.

• Mouth edges backward.

• Tail between legs.

• Lying on the back, the neck, and abdomen are shown.

So, Why Does My Dog Give Me a Wink? What Does It Indicate?

Your dog may wink intentionally or involuntarily, depending on the scenario. Even while we may assume that a dog’s winking is adorable and harmless, it might be a clue that it is having health difficulties. We already know that they, like humans, exhibit facial emotions. They might be proactive or reactive. So, when your dog winks at you, what does it mean?

It might be winking at you for a variety of reasons. It might be to show affection, excitement, or a desperate attempt to grab your attention. Dogs wink at their owners to express joy, devotion, or just to mimic human behavior. The act of winking might be interpreted as a surrender sign. However, there are several significant medical disorders that might cause a dog to wink inadvertently.

The Reasons For Your Dog’s Staring

For them, winking is a charming facial expression. Because every eye expression and action your pet does has meaning, it’s best to try to find out what they mean. Winking, for example, might be for any of the following reasons:

A Wink From a Dog Indicates Submission

Unless they are already acquainted, when two dogs meet for the first time, their first course of action is to establish their dominance hierarchy. To quickly establish these attitudes, eye contact and subtle bodily gestures like flashing teeth are routinely employed. In other circumstances, winking, like licking the side of another dog’s lips, is a sign of submission.

When you look at your pet, though, they usually just stare back for a little while before winking or severing the focus. Your inferiority is communicated to you by the simple gesture of winking. Perhaps your dog sees you as the pack’s leader or just respects you.

Your pet attempts to keep eye contact with you for long periods of time since this might be misinterpreted as a sign of aggression. If your dog stares at you without blinking, winking, or breaking the gaze, you should search for further signs of hostility, such as stiffness and pinning their ears back.

Imitation in the shape of a wink from a dog

Your pet will, indeed, imitate your wink. Dogs, like humans, are natural imitators. They don’t simply imitate other canines; they also imitate human behavior.

Surprisingly, they only copy things that appear to be profitable and joyful to them. They are perceptive creatures who frequently imitate their owners’ activities. When your pet winks at you, it’s conceivable that they observed you doing it and were curious. If you observe them closely, you’ll see a lot of behavioral patterns that are similar to, if not identical to, your own.

It’s not strange if your dog winks back at you if you wink at him on a frequent basis. They’re simply copying your behavior. Because they learn by seeing and repeating, if you wink frequently, your dog will most likely copy you.

Your dog might be winking as a result of health issues.


Unfortunately, your dog’s wink might sometimes be concerning. A wink might signify a health condition.

One of the illnesses that might cause your dog to blink constantly is entropion. This inherited disorder is characterized by excessive winking, squinting, and blinking.

Entropion is more common in dog breeds with short noses and plump characteristics, such as Chow Chows and bulldogs. This is a condition in which your pet’s eyelids migrate inward and brush on the eyeball’s surface, causing irritation, pain, and a lot of suffering.

white dog winks

If you don’t treat that disease right away, entropion can lead to corneal ulcers. This may result in your pet with corneal scarring and, in the worst-case scenario, irreparable eye damage.

This illness is also contagious in such species as; bulldogs, retrievers, spaniels, Great Danes, and pugs. If you have a pet, please try to be aware of any excessive blinking or winking.

A dog may wink at you in an attempt to grab your attention.

These pets are extremely intelligent creatures. At times, your pet may wink at you to get your attention. If it has accidentally winked at you before and you have immediately rewarded them with attention and praise, they may quickly learn that winking gets them attention through positive reinforcement.

Dogs are intelligent and aware of their owners’ body language, and they will do all they can to get your attention. If winking is a successful method of attaining their objectives, they will utilize it.

When Your Dog Winks Too Much, What Should You Do?

Anything in excess may be dangerous, and winking is no exception. Although this is a kind gesture, if your dog winks frequently, it might be cause for concern.

While occasional winking is most likely a learned characteristic and nothing to worry about, regular winking, as previously said, might be a symptom of health problems. If you see your pet blinking or winking excessively, consult a veterinarian.

Not only is it advantageous to understand your dog’s body language for behavioral reasons, but it is also useful for health reasons. Knowing the solution to the question “why does my dog wink at me” may provide more than simply satisfaction. While having your pet wink at you might be adorable and a sign of the two of you connecting, understanding the rationale for the habit can also disclose potential health risks.


  • Ömer Bademci

    Hi there, I'm Ömer Bademci, and I'm passionate about all things pets. I'm a dedicated writer who loves to share my knowledge and insights on everything from pet products to training and behavior. As a pet lover and owner myself, I understand the unique needs of different pets and the challenges that come with pet ownership. That's why I'm committed to providing my readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information on pet care, health, and wellness. Over the years, I've gained extensive experience in the pet industry, and I've had the pleasure of working with a wide variety of pets, from dogs and cats to birds and reptiles. I'm proud to say that I've learned a great deal about pet care, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge with others. When I'm writing, I strive to provide my readers with well-researched, informative, and engaging content that they can use to make informed decisions about their pets. Whether I'm discussing the latest pet products or offering training tips and tricks, my goal is always to help pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry friends. When I'm not writing, you can usually find me spending time with my own pets, exploring new hiking trails, or trying out new pet products to share with my readers. I'm excited to be a part of the Mila's Pet team and to help pet owners everywhere take the best possible care of their furry friends.

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